Thursday, May 10, 2012

So that date I had from turned out well, though not in the direction that I would have liked. I made a new friend! She is just like one of the guys. She's certainly a breathe of fresh air... for me at least. We almost have all the same interests! Funny fact... she could probably kick my ass if she wanted to. So there's an interesting twist.

So a few weeks ago, my twin cousins came to visit from the Philippines... all I can say is WOW! They have grown so much. I still remember putting on those baby carriers front and back so they would both be hanging on me or when I used to push them around on their two- seater stroller. Now they are just as tall as I am. Time sure flies.

I have to be honest when I was growing up, I was jealous of my twin cousins. One, they got EVERYBODY's attention including my own mother. Well, at least that was how it felt like to me. Secondly, they were never alone... at worst they would have each other. Its irrational I know but at that time, I could not help it.

I have issues... I know.

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