Another typical night, I can not sleep. So, I figured I would just type around a while. It has been over a week since my last post anyhow. I started reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain... HILARIOUS! He just talks about his exploits on his journey to being a chef. A lot of the shit he talks about makes me cringe, a little, but also very enlightening. I have so many books I want to read and their all waiting for me at the foot of my bed. Hunger Games is next on the list since my whole family has been raving about it.
On a totally different note, I laid on my bed no more than 10 minutes ago. As I turned off my lamp and placed my head on my well-worn pillow, the first thought in my head was 'Damn.' I miss laying down feeling the soft tender skin of someone I love. I miss the rhythm of their soft breaths even the gentle scent on their hair
(I noticed that I have never slept with a gal whose hair did not smell great). I know that a lot of people who do not know me very well think that I am a crass individual, some regard me as a pig, heck a downright slut to some. I am a softy though. Just one of those looking for the right one but most of the time finding the 'right now's . I can't help it most of the time... I am a very impulsive person who has a very addictive personality. By that I mean... I get addicted and hooked HARD.
MY bed!!! |
3 years ago, I was broke, fat, unhealthy and sat in front of the computer 20 hours at a time playing a video game and yet I had no trouble with chicks. We would go out, fuck, go to the movies. They would send me provocative photos whenever I asked. I did not spend a dime nor did I bother to change. Now that I have a successful career, healthier, skinnier and barely on the computer, I can barely find a fucking date. What a bitch! Won't stop me from trying though. As Dory from
Finding Nemo used to say...
'just keep swimming.'